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in GEORGE CLOONEY's adaptation of 


(in Sardinia!)

Being chosen to play a major role in a reimagining of an important novel might easily be the highlight of my career. Certainly, big shoes to fill in Anthony Perkins' sterling rendition of Chaplain Tappman in the original MIke Nichols adaptation. And honored to share a wikipedia entry with him! But Encouraged by Luke Davies' exquisite scripts, I came at it from a different angle. We shot in Sardinia (aka Paradise) with George Clooney (aka the king of Northern Italy) and an incredibly talented cast and crew. Though it required hard work; there were days I didn't know if I would make it to the end. It was also the only time in my career that actually felt a little glamorous. Ti amo Sardegna! Ti amo Italia! Sempre!



opposite CHRIS PINE in PATTY JENKINS limited series


(shot on film!)

This was the first self tape audition I laid down that ever went anywhere. From: sweating in the "back house" in front of an old camcorder. To: on set with Patty Jenkins and Chris Pine! I guess sometimes they do watch our tapes!? Patty is a thoughtful director. And Chris Pine is a good guy. The period costumes and sets brought something extra out of everyone involved. Patty fought hard to shoot this on film and the results of her effort lend another layer of nuance to the final cut.


Pretending to cook meth in 



Independent films are like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. But if it ain't on the page from go, you kinda do know what you're gonna get. I knew this movie was special from the first page. My neighbor was directing it and asked me to take a look. My actual next door neighbor! I loved the script and I loved the role! And she made me read for it! Lowell Pritchert might be my favorite role of all time; an actor's dream. We shot in Louisville Kentucky and the cast and crew were so talented and gave everything. I mean everything. Some days we were wrestling in frozen mud and it was four degrees out! But any time I thought I couldn't go on, I would look to my costar, Hermione Corfield, and she would be hard as nails; a picture of grit and determination and I would think, "You can do this."


Don Draper's long lost brother ADAM WHITMAN



I had a buddy on the pilot. And he would call me from New York and be like, "I don't really know what I've gotten myself into but we're all in shark skin suits chain smoking and drinking fake bourbon. And it might be the best show ever!"

Well AMC who no one had ever heard of (pre Breaking Bad) picked it up and moved it to Los Angeles. I read for Adam Whitman, set to appear in Episode 5 (5G), and Matt Wiener cast me. Nobody really knew how much lightning they had managed to cram into the provebial bottle. In an interview with Variety Jon Hamm claimed our scene was his favorite of the first season. Favorite scene: “When Don tries to bribe his brother into leaving New York. I give him the $5,000 and say, ‘You’ve gotta go, we’re done here.’ One, it’s a great scene, and two, Jay Paulson, the actor who played my brother, was so good in it and so heartbreaking and such a pleasure to be in that scene with. It was really, really good.”

Later that year at the wrap party, Matt Wiener told me if he had known how important the character would become he would never have killed him off. And he vowed to me then and there, "We'll work together again if not on this, on something else!" You hear that a lot from producers who kill your character off. But sure enough, he kept his word, and had me back for an episode in season 6. I get recognized for my turn on Madmen more than anything I've ever done. I was recognized as Adam Whitman last week and it's been over fifteen years since it first aired!


Post 9/11 agoraphobic PHYSICAL PHIL  



Getting paid to sit around in your PJs all day and bring a richly drawn character to life? Sign me up. Playing Physical Phil on October Road was one of the happiest times in my life. The role was deeply satisfying thanks to a gifted writing staff and a talented cast and crew. When you feel like the staff is writing to both you and the character, well, there's really nothing better in the life of a television actor. And we were all so young! The EP's became pals and have brought me on to more productions since! I am so grateful for Scott Rosenberg, Josh Appelabaum and Andre Nemec. They've embraced me in a working friendship that is truly the stuff of dreams. 



Some members of the Actors Studio are offered membership after their very first audition. Not me! I strived to rise through their ranks as a finalist and then a working finalist and after five years and as many auditions, Martin Landau and Mark Rydell welcomed me home. I studied at the studio with Marty Landau and Allan Miller and they transformed me from an actor to an artist. It has been a singular joy to share that humble stage with some of the most talented people I've ever met; on work that matters because we say it matters. There is no "show biz" achievement that I am more proud of than my lifetime membership at the Actors Studio. 

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